Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Clinically Dead and Brought back to Life. Heaven and Hell

If seeing is believing, Ian McCormack is now a firm believer in the afterlife. After seeing a motion picture called Endless Summer, Ian traveled throughout Asia, surfing and living out his own adventure. He then arrived on the island of Mauritius where most of the experience occurred. Ian was taught night scuba diving by the Mauritian locals. It was on a night dive when Ian was stung 5 times by box jellyfish. The sting of one
box jellyfish has enough poison to cause death of 60 people.

After being stung, Ian was in a fight for survival as he attempted to take a trip from the external reef to a regional hospital to receive the most important required antitoxins. During this trip, he was pushed out of a taxi and left to die on the side of a road since he didn't have cash on him to pay the taxi driver. A hotel owner likewise refused to take him to the healthcare facility.

An ambulance finally showed up. During that ride the spiritual and supernatural exploded into his life. Ian did make it to the healthcare facility alive, but passed away soon afterwards.

As soon as Ian's soul had left his body, he entered into a world of overall awe. Initially, he found himself into overall darkness surrounded by pure evil. These evil specters informed him that he was in hell and he deserved to be there.

Ian was then transported into a world of total light, where he experienced complete peace and love, total forgiveness from a Being that stood in the center of the light. The Being stood in front of him with outstretched arms as if to welcome him. Ian was then given a peek into a brand-new truth where he saw a brand-new heaven.

Ian was asked if he wanted to return by the Celestial Being. Shaking his head, he at first reasoned that there was no convincing reason for him to return. Nevertheless, upon seeing an image of his mom, he chose to return for her alone.

Ian's tale raises the bar of human experience. I extremely recommend and suggest this book.

A True Encounter

"A Glimpse of Eternity" is the astonishing true tale of one guy's encounter with death and the worlds past it.

Been stung by 5 box jellyfish while scuba diving off the island of Mauritius, Ian McCormack did not realize he passed away in a healthcare facility and was dead for 15-20 mins. During this time he experienced both hell and heaven.

This is his tale - one which touches on a few of the deepest concerns all of us eventually ask.

Click to get this heaven hell book