The world consciousness is starting to take the next step of growth. Many people are starting to question the lives they live and ask themselves what the real divine purpose of life is. Unfortunately, many do not find the answer they seek. But more crucially, will you be one of those who discover the significance of your life?
Which of the two groups will you finally be in?
1. The group that never truly discovers their life purpose?
2. Or will you find the purpose to your life and truly live it?
Why many people never live a life of joy and meaning boils down to many factors. But mostly, it boils down to their attachment of what they currently have. When they get some inkling of their life purpose, they come to the realization they would likely have to give up their jobs, their current circle of friends and maybe even the current lifestyle that they enjoy.
With their inability to give up their current lifestyle, many people get stuck in a psychological and emotional limbo. They want to find that spark in their hearts and soul again. And yet they are too attached to what they have physically accumulated in their lives.
These people waver between the joy of their material possessions and swing to the extremes of lethargy, depression and a lack of inner joy. And they hope they never lose their material possessions too.
They are lost between the conditioning of society and the timeless need of their souls for living a life of purpose.
Many people fear that when they follow their soul purpose, they will feel the loss of their material wealth. The truth is that you will find joy and richness that surpasses what material possessions can give you. The joy and emotional satisfaction that flows from your soul when you live your life purpose makes all the rest of your material wealth seem insubstantial.
When you live your soul purpose, you begin to become happier and enjoy a lighter spirit. These are the moments when you realize that you truly are a soul having a human experience and not a physical being having a spiritual experience.
Does this mean you don’t need physical stuff?
Our bodies still need food, shelter and clothing. Without the money to purchase them, how will you live out your life purpose? What you need to do is bring your life purpose into alignment with the creation of value for others. When you can do this, you can continue to bring in the money you need to sustain yourself and your family.
What is the real reason you live? To work for corporations and businesses doing something that doesn't really give you joy? Are you going to spend the rest of your life dragging yourself to work where you die just that little bit more every day?
Or is your purpose to allow the freedom of creative expression to flow from your soul? To bring joy into your life and the life of your loved ones? To create the moments where your soul dances and your feet tap along?
Do you live? Or are you alive?
What is your purpose of life?