Friday, January 17, 2014

How Your State Of Health Can Influence Career Growth

During the the past few years, increasing value has been placed on the health of employees before they are looked into for potential job advancement. It may not be immediately obvious, but analysis and research would unveil that there are facts and findings that attest to the validity of the statement. When considering the health and cosmetic concerns, having too much weight is thought to be a primary setback. With the manner in which obesity rates are climbing, it is now also vital for companies to look out for their own value by investing in people with a healthy body.

It was revealed in a 2010 study in the Journal of Applied Psychology that women who were obese or overweight had poorer earning opportunities when compared with women who were thinner. There have also been several research that revealed how employers choose to promote healthier women rather than those who have weight problems and how obese women are often the subject of discrimination in workplaces. Additionally, there a number of separate studies that showed people with excess weight have trouble advancing to top-level management positions. Also, research done in 2012 by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research revealed that 95% of Americans think that obesity will result to workplace discrimination.

Why weight problems hinder career advancement
At the outset, making body weight a critical factor in job advancement seems superficial and discriminatory. But, it is also worthy to note that a person who is physically fit gives the impression that he is a hardworking and dedicated individual. With many companies, if an employee is disciplined and industrious enough to take care of his health, then it signifies that he can be trusted with important company obligations. Hence, superiors getting less support and trust from their subordinates is a situation that is less surprising nowadays. What many employees think is that if those who hold higher positions can hardly maintain their own well-being, then it usually follows that they will be as haphazard in performing their duties.

That is why there are firms that factor in weight and well-being before making any decision regarding appointments and promotions. It almost would not matter to many organizations how eligible or how qualified an employee might be for a higher position. In the event that obesity is evident, it can be regarded as a big liability in that it can result to various medical conditions that can affect the employee and his work. What makes it worse is it all amounts to lost productivity, which according to a Gallup survey cost businesses $153 billion annually.

Managing weight to improve career prospects
Proper management of weight is the most sensible answer for people who have the qualifications but are not physically fit. With more and more companies making good health a factor for career advancement, capable but overweight employees must start taking steps to improve their health and boost their career opportunities. To say the least, there is no immediate solution to shed the excess weight, but there are effective yet gradual steps to take to drop the excess pounds.

First and foremost, individuals diagnosed with morbid obesity should be careful with what they put in their mouth. Instead of taking in unbalanced meals and without checking the number of calories, they should be disciplined enough to eat only nutritious meals such as those composed of whole foods and fruits and vegetables and to make sure that they spend time doing physical exercises. These are three fundamental steps that help enhance an obese person's quality of life. In addition, boosting nutritious meals and regular workouts with Satiereal Saffron Extract leads to better and faster weight loss effects. This is because this natural supplement facilitates the body in acquiring results from a weight loss method by managing appetite and decreasing hunger cravings. By dealing with obesity in a prompt manner, health can be improved sooner and the likelihood of obtaining career growth and, sooner or later, a better quality of life becomes more advantageous. To get the best results, people should use nutritional supplements like Satiereal Saffron Extract and combine them with healthy eating and physical exercise.