Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lifehacker Dion Almaer's Easy Route To Dropping 100 LBS

In less than one year, Dion Almaer of Lifehacker lost 100 pounds. In an overweight body, it's difficult to keep up a diet or exercise routine. Instead, Almaer took an easy route to drop 1/3 of his body weight. He didn't start with working out or cutting down his meals - he started by eating quality food.

Quality food kick-started his progress. By eating better alone, he lost 20 pounds in the first 2 weeks. That critical step upped his energy levels. Dieting and working out then came easy.

It makes sense. We're spoiled - in the wrong way. Processed junk is given to us in convenient packaging, with low quality energy and high concentrations.

We might be fooled by such convenience, but our bodies aren't. It doesn't take long until our bodies recognize. And then, we get hungry sooner and eat extra. Without nutritional balance and excessive calories, we feel tired easily and lose motivation to work out. We quickly descend into a vicious cycle. We become fat.

Ok, on the surface, fast food may be cheaper and quicker. But, you eat less often if you eat real food. And, you spend less on energy potions, self help info, and medical bills. Plus, real food gives back the health and energy levels you deserve.

Lots of people can't get over the idea of eating weird foods like tongue or cheeks. But, they eat sausages made from these animal parts everyday! If you're open minded, you can buy meat at 1/10 the cost. And, there are tons of amazing exotic cut recipes.

Use a food scale to save time and money. You clean fewer dishes by measuring out all your ingredients with only one bowl. Plus, you don't waste foods that get stuck to measuring cups and spoons. This waste might seem small, but it adds up over time.

Eating well isn't as easy as punching a couple buttons on a vending machine, but investing in real food will pay you as well as your family back in many folds. End the cycle, eat better now!