Sunday, September 30, 2012

Common Myths On Weight Loss

After trying numerous diets, pills, juice fads and other methods to lose weight, you may feel discouraged by the short-term nature of the results, or no results at all. Losing weight and keeping it off is best accomplished through a series of changes to your overall diet that you can maintain for life. Here are some positive changes that will help you reach and maintain a healthier weight.

Some people who try to lose weight believe that they can follow a fad diet in order to lose all the weight they want, and after that, they will be able to keep the weight off for good. Although you may lose a few pounds off a new fad diet, you probably are not going to be able to lose all the weight you want. Also, once you get off the diet, you will most definitely gain it all back because you haven't learned how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Finally, some people, mostly women, claim that they don't do weight-training exercises because they will just get bulky. Although you can get bulky if you simply lift weights and eat tons of food, you need some type of resistance training because it helps to build muscle in your body. Whenever your body has more muscle, your metabolism is increased. Therefore, you need to incorporate both cardio- and resistance-training workouts.

Eat several small meals throughout the day. Skipping meals or eating just a couple of large meals each day can slow your metabolism and leave you feeling sapped in between meals. By eating smaller amounts of food every two to three hours, your body never goes into "starvation mode," in which it holds onto stored energy reserves (fat).

Use saturated fats sparingly. Vegetable oils, butter, lard, and the trans fats found in processed foods like snack cakes contain loads of calories. Your body does need fat to function, but it should come from healthier sources such as nuts and nut butters, olive oil and avocados.

Watch your portions. Portion control is one of the best ways to lose weight. Invest in a small food scale, measuring cups, and measuring spoons, and use them religiously for a couple of weeks. You may be surprised by how many servings a typical plate of pasta or rice contains! Within a couple of weeks, you will have a better grasp of appropriate portions and will be better able to eyeball them.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and start your day with a breakfast high in fiber and protein. The fiber and protein take a long time for your body to process. This helps you to feel full longer, which can help you make good food choices throughout the day. Water also takes up room in your stomach, and it is a beneficial, no-calorie alternative to soda, juice, or other drinks.

Use moderately sized plates and bowls, rather than eating out of a serving bowl or package. This makes it much easier to control portion size. If you are allowing yourself a treat, it's better to eat a measured amount out of a small dish than to eat out of a package until you feel full.

These tips should help you find a few new ways to improve your success in losing weight. Every positive step counts for something, and by making more improvements in your lifestyle, you will find yourself losing weight steadily.

Do you want to begin to lose weight faster starting from today onwards? Then you have to learn more about Anabolic cooking cookbook or find out more about high protein diet plan.