Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What Are The Best Low Carb Snacks To Eat?

We all want to be healthy, but we can only be so good. It would take an inhuman amount of self-discipline and effort to stay away from those cakes or cookies especially when we are exhausted or feeling stressed out. During those times, I fervently wish there were more low carb foods as alternatives to those brownies and yummy treats. Soon I would find myself forced to stray from my diet by my hunger and all that temptation combined. Of course you'd hear people tell you to just eat small amount of food all day so you can avoid those situations, but that is easier said than done!

It's not as simple as described to carry snacks around throughout the day as a quick fix when you feel hungry. After all, most of the foods we cook wouldn't fit into a small purse or your pocket. Plus there is that awkwardness of having to carry a spoon and fork around with you. There are lots and lots of great recipes low in carbs out there for low carb dieters to try, but unfortunately that doesn't translate too well into low carb snacks.

Snacks have to be ready to eat, no heating required, filling, easy to carry, and not messy. Naturally, they should be tasty. Just because a snack is easy to carry around does not mean it is perfect, especially when the taste is not at all palatable. Now you understand why there are so few low carb snacks! All those criteria have to be met, and it really isn't easy to do that.

What low carb snacks can you have then? Of course, low carb snacks do exist. For example, there are vegetables. You can even find ready-to-eat celery sticks in some stores. They are quite easy to be lugging around. You can pop one into your mouth whenever you want. There isn't a lot of satisfaction to be had, though, since it is not really very filling. I always want something else to eat when I have just celery sticks!

What are our other options then? Common low carb snacks include nuts. They are healthy and low in carbs. There are many flavors you can choose from and they also come in mixed packages. Dried fruits are also often thrown into those mixed packets. Just as these dried fruits and nuts gained popularity, so did the number of varieties being sold now in the market. Now you can enjoy even exotic dried fruits and nuts, including cashews and Brazil nuts. Many food manufacturers now take it upon themselves to improve the quality and taste of these nuts. Unfortunately, they do this by adding sugar to the mix thereby making them unhealthy. Be careful when buying nuts. Make sure the ingredients label says that there is no added sugar!

Low carb snacks are quite hard and exhausting to find. But it's definitely worth it. You won't have to cheat your diet and stray. You will be nourished with all the nutrients you need as well as keep your energy levels high.