Almost everything from the book are tricks you already tried to get your ex back. You've failed at every turn. You would be satisfied if your relationship will work. You would love to get your ex back. But, you are beginning to feel more and more like a failure doomed to life alone than someone who has just experienced the miracle of love with another person. You begin to ask yourself with questions like: "Should I stop trying, because I think I will never get my ex back anymore?"
Going through a breakup is very hard, that is why no one really wants to be in this kind of situation. It is hard to get to this point, some people who come to this case even doubt if a relationship is worth saving. You're on the verge of losing hope and that's the hardest place in the world to be when your heart is hanging on by a thread.
You need to figure out what you should do next to prevent losing your ex in this lifetime. If you really want to get your ex back you should prioritize thinking of the best ways to do that or if you dont, you might consider keeping away from your ex to prevent hurting more. The two options will give you opposite results depending on what you want to follow.
Here are a few questions you need to ask yourself and really think long and hard about the answers.
Are all of the times when you were with each other, happy moments?
In most relationships, trials may come at times, but it's not that always. Most relationships have more ups than downs. That's what makes them so worthwhile to the people involved in them.
Reject the trials, don't let them beat you in the relationship. You should know that relationships are not all about the hard works. Some works must be in the process onto a good relationship, where you both are benefited.
It would be good to hear when you find some middle ground on particular recurring issues that would likely pull you down if you are happy more often than being not. Look for a middle ground where it's not only one is benefited, it should be both of you.
Do you have the same goals in life – in general?
Do you both want alike things in life? You are already aware of the goals you have for your future. Can you find common ground and consider a few small compromises together in order to have the "big picture" kind of future you were both interested in having?
Only you can answer the question about whether or not you should stop trying to get your ex back. If you are not ready to let go of it, then you should be sincere enough in doing things in another and a different way. Watch this FREE video first to find out what your opening move needs to improve your odds for success this time around.
Learn more things on how to get your ex back so that you will never have to do the same mistake that will make your relationship on jeopardy.