Thursday, April 19, 2012

Discovering The Keys To Build A Loving Marriage

The renowned words, I love you. How important and wonderful these words are in building a relationship. Exactly why is it that some people have such a hard time saying them to the ones that they love so much? You'd think they’d change and turn into ogres, the way they squirm and go around beating around the bush before finally saying the words.

Of course, there are those that say 'love ya' and are not really on the level. And yet each of us knows that the words "I love you" are not what we want. It is the actions that accompany the words that make us feel great.

Truly loving our mate enables us to give them what they need to feel loved. In short, the other two legs won't happen if the last one isn't present. Speaking gracefully to your spouse is something that we all long for and is a true gift.

a good thing to learn the quotes on love that happens to be all over are to invigorate us and not be a product of damnation. And, obviously, we all long for the love that we see in the love quotes for him. Yet that kind of relationship is one that is hard won and not just given.

Go ahead and give your spouse a small treat by putting on paper your thoughts of love for them. Be honest and truthful to them and share with them your love. Don't take this for granted, because a lot of relationships crumble due to lack of any contact.

Let us look at the long distance friendship, for example. It seems that a lot do not work out because they cannot maintain the lines of communicating. Even business associates keep in contact by sending each other progress reports.

The best thing you can do for any marriage is to give the feeling that you are close to each other. Each person must actively take time to listen to the other person and be there for them. You must also show compassion.

Here I will show you the unvarnished truth about constructing a marriage that stands the test of time. It entails the effort of everyone involved for it to work well.

If you are having really big problems in your relationship and you believe in a higher or spiritual power, then ask for help and guidance. Many have been able to find a common ground by talking things out with a competent pastor or rabbi.

We must all be willing to get to a place with our spouse where there is true agreement. It should be the goal that each person walks away with some kind of victory. Letting go of the need to always be right will be important. Just be honest and be willing to learn from the other as you move forward.