Panic attacks can be a frightening occurrence in your life. When you have a panic attack, you might feel like you are having a heart attack or worse, feel as if you are dying. Here are some effective ways to deal with panic attacks so that you are better equipped to handle them. Click here to know more about Panic away scam now.
When you are in the throes of a panic attack, try not to fight the feelings that come over you. Fighting only increases your adrenaline and makes the attack worse. It's better to accept the feelings and remind yourself that they will pass, even though you are uncomfortable at the moment.
If you begin to feel panic attacks when you are in high pressure situations like public speaking events, then you should try to understand that the situation is only temporary and that life goes on. As you get placed in more situations like these, you will become more relaxed and happy.
Blame the faulty wiring. Anxiety doesn't affect everyone in the same way, and it's likely that your neurons are misfiring within your brain and causing your problems. That means that it really isn't your fault, it's just the way you were born! Keep that in mind as you work through your problems and panic attacks and remember - it's not your fault!
Use diversion tactics when having a panic attack. Repeat the alphabet backwards or count down from 100. Turn your favorite music on and sing along. Call a friend and chat on the phone, but don't tell then about the panic - talk about something completely unrelated to how you are feeling.
Think about your nerves as you go through your panic attack. Visualize a nerve in each part of your body and the tiny little impulses it sends out. Imagine them becoming calm, slow, and more relaxed. Work through each part of your body one by one until you feel better.
Find a hobby to focus on in your free time that you can also contemplate during more stressful tasks. If you enjoy gardening, writing, painting or any number of other activities, you can calm yourself with them. During work or stressful situations, pause to think about your next project in regards to this hobby and soothe your anxiety.
Do you stress out over the fact you're stressing out? My biggest problem was that I would have a fear and then start freaking out because I was irrational and my fears were dumb and therefore I was irrational and dumb. Instead, I realized that anxiety is a natural reaction and healthy, so I should be happy my mind is trying to help and let it pass.
Some people experience panic attacks while driving or riding in a car. Should this happen to you, opening the car windows a bit for some fresh air on your face should help. If it's summertime, crank the air conditioning for a bit which should cool your head and calm your nerves. If you are flying, open the overhead fan all the way to cool yourself and calm down.
Consider starting a blog online about your panic attacks and chronicling your battle. You'll find other people in the same situation will contact you and through the comments on your posts, you may even find new treatment techniques you've never thought of before. It's a great way to build a community of like-minded individuals who can support you when you need it.
Breathe slowly. When you have a panic attack, your body goes into panic mode and you might start breathing quick, shallow breaths. Instead, cup your hands and breathe into them or get a small paper bag and do that as well. Breathing in your own carbon dioxide and taking deep breaths will help relax you.
Treat your panic attacks 'BEFORE' they end up making your life more difficult. Having to quit your job or drop out of school, or breaking up with a partner because you don't want to burden them with your condition, are NOT positive outcomes! Get treatment as soon as possible because you are allowed to be happy!
Did you know that carbohydrate-laden foods like potato chips will increase the insulin in your body, leaving you lethargic and even more miserable during a panic attack? Eating five small meals a day which are mostly vegetables with a little protein and lots of fiber will leave you healthy and stress-free.
The fear of panic attacks will make you want to flee. Do not let this fear rule you and pay attention to what you are feeling. If you let your fears win or you try to fight the unpleasant moment you will never gain your control back. Allow and accept your feelings and they will pass.
Exercising can help you tolerate the physical discomfort of a panic attack. The feelings you get while exercising, such as heavy breathing and heart racing, are very similar to what you feel during a panic attack. If you exercise regularly then you become used to these feelings and know that they are not deadly.
Fear is not the end of the world and neither are panic attacks. You are not alone and you are not the only one that has this condition. There are many people who suffer from it, and there are many treatments available. These tips should have given you some advice and peace of mind knowing you can start feeling better.