Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mind Workout routines to improve Memory

Why are memory enhancement guide necessary? Because the more you exercise the mind, the more susceptible to info and information handling it becomes. A mind that is stimulated routinely will eventually remember more things.

Walking and Swimming

Take a walk for 20 minutes three to four times a week. This provides nourishment and oxygen for the mind. Swimming in an aqua-aerobics class or freestyle does the same thing. When oxygen is fed into the mind, it is able to function more effectively.

Note: if you're taking medicine, consult with your doctor before starting any workout or swimming course.

Working Out and Meditation

One do not have to enroll in the fitness center; taking the dog out for a walk will be fine. Running also helps. Analysts have also discovered that doing yoga and meditation helps the mind focus and relax also. The more relax you are, the easier it is to concentrate and remember.

Set the timer for ten minutes. Sit down on a comfy chair. Breathe gradually and deeply five times. Resume normal breathing and concentration on it. After a couple sessions, you'll discover the mind becomes calm.

Puzzles, Crosswords and Games

Solving crossword problems is one of the greatest mind workouts today. Sudoku is a popular game that will test your mind. Card games like Texas Hold 'Em also need technique and concentration. Chess, checkers, bridge, Scrabble are also great. In other words, any game that needs critical planning will aid the mind.

You are not limited to card games. There are online versions of chess. There are also computer strategy games and puzzles you can play.

Study Something New

Nothing stimulates the mind like learning something completely new. Study how to play the piano or violin. Or you can take lessons in sewing outfits. How about painting, sculpting or a computer software? As the mind is stimulated, the amount of brain cells will grow. These will replace the ones that we lose.


Socializing and communicating with other people is good for the mind. Connecting with people allows you the chance to reexamine your perspectives and viewpoints. It also opens your mind to new opportunities. Being ready to reevaluate concepts and notions is healthy.

There are plenty of other brain exercises you could try. You can memorize addresses, telephone number and other pieces of information. Try to remember the names of ten chemicals or animals a day. As you improve, make the tests more difficult.