Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How To Be Free And Beat Panic Disorder Forever

Do you understand at all what it takes to beat panic disorder for good? I'm not specifically talking about methods for short term relief here either, I'm talking about long term relief - a change in your life for the better. If you have the time today to listen to what I have to tell you, then you will find that you are about to be given all the tools that you need in order to finally be rid of panic and anxiety.

Understanding Anxiety


I'll try my best not to confuse you here today, so I'll speak in simple terms. Anxiety and Panic is what happens when certain feelings in your mind trigger a release of adrenaline into your body's blood system that generates a feeling of fear that is inescapable. You see, Adrenaline is supposed to help us protect ourselves by pumping blood faster, and giving us extra strength, but when we dont need adrenaline, the feeling can be quite frightening, and even painful to some.

Controlling Anxiety

I can tell almost anyone how to gain control and beat panic disorder, but as someone who is recovered, I completely understand that the feelings that cause auxiety in your body may actually be quite hard to face and accept. Most sufferers may not even be aware of what feelings actually trigger their anxiety in the first place, so it is needless to say that it is a tricky battle.

In almost all cases, you will need to discover a method that instigates calm, that works well for you. This will be different for all people, some people will practice controlled breathing, others may even meditate or rely on medication. The logic here is that once you have calm, you are able to interpret your thoughts better, and understand the underlying issues that cause you to become anxious.

How To Beat Panic Disorder

The key when it comes to getting past panic and anxiety long term is to understand that the very thoughts and emotions that cause panic are just thoughts, and can't hurt you or endanger your life. This can be difficult, as often we have little or no control over how these thoughts can affect things such as the release of adrenaline into our blood stream, which certainly makes things a little more difficult. The key at the end of the day is to try and initiate calm, so that you can be with your thoughts, interpret them, and understand them better.

You then need to understand that all thoughts that are negative or initiate fear are fueled by our current circumstances. This is where the ideal way to beat panic disorder is to initiate life change. Only you will understand what changes need to be made in your life, I can not advise you of this, as all situations are different with all sufferers.

This is not an easy battle by no means, however to beat panic disorder is a worthwhile battle that you need to win in order to be able to enjoy your life from here on in. There are many millions of other sufferers out there, and many GP's and psychologists who will be willing to help. The key is to remain brave, and face your anxiety head on.