Saturday, January 28, 2012

Help Me Get My Ex Back – Where Should I Begin?

When you've just been dumped your heart goes straight to hurt but your mind flies right into a state of sheer, blind panic. For some people it's just too much for their systems to take. Depending on whether or not you saw the end coming it can throw you into a bit of a state of shock. Then there are those who may have seen it coming but were living in denial the entire time. For them it's even harder to live with the consequences and/or aftermath. There are just too many 'would have,' 'could have,' and 'should have' moments with more than enough self blame to go around.

Forgive Yourself

You're not a perfect person. You made mistake. Your ex wasn't a perfect person either. Forgive your ex for the mistakes he or she made. Then you can move on and forgive yourself for the mistakes you made along the way too. You'll never be able to fix things or get your ex back if you can't accept that you're a human with human limitations. No one is perfect.

Guilt can be a HUGE burden to bear in relationships and out of them. It's time to stop allowing it to prevent you from enjoying the beauty of a happy relationship.

Don't Panic

Now is definitely not the time to panic. Panic prevents rationality. Rational thinking is the only way you're going to be able to move beyond the emotion of the moment to figure out what the real problem or 'splinter' in the relationship may have been.

It's going to be different things for different people but there are two big issues that seem to be fairly common, to one degree or another, when breakups happen. One person in the relationship either felt unappreciated or disrespected by the other. If you can solve these problems in a relationship, almost every other fight, argument, and disagreement comes down to one of those two issues. Panicking prevents you from ever getting to the heart of things and you can't more forward until you get there.

Commit to Your Cause

The final step you need to take on your own is to commit to the cause of getting your ex back. It's not always easy to get your ex back. If you're serious about it, then you need to commit yourself to that course. Before you do though it's a good idea to sit down and really decide if you want him back. If so, why do you want him back?

There has to be a valid reason for going to all this effort. You need to know what that reason is rather than just blindly reacting to the hurt because you think getting your ex back will cause the pain to end.

Once you've gone through all these steps you're faced with the hardest step of all. You have to time it just right. How do you know when the right time to get your ex back is? Watch this FREE video to find out. You'll also learn about the one opening move that over 50,000 people in 77 different countries have used to save their relationships. All you have to do is follow the link above and watch the video.