Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Find Out How You Can Get Rid Of Warts

Any kind of spot can ruin the smoothness and the evenness of your skin, be it your face or any other part of the body. They can make you feel ugly and extremely conscious of your looks. Well, these blemishes and spots can actually be warts. It is a type of viral infection caused by human papillamarivus (HPV) and can be contagious too. It commonly appears on the face, hand and feet. If you are still interested to know more about warts, here is what you ought to know.

Search the Commercial Market

If the infection of wart on your body is not very evident and less severe, you can try one of the many ointments that are marketed specially for wart removal. They might not always work, but there is no harm in trying them first before going for something more serious and medicated. You can go to the supermarket or a chemist's shop for the products. Brands like Dr. Dr. Scholl's products are well known. You could also try Compound W or TinaMed Wart remover.

Try some Home Remedies

There is no harm in trying those tips for wart removal that are harmless and can be tried at home. To make the wart surface soft and therefore easier to peel off, soak a piece of cloth in warm water and apply it on the warts. Do this for 10 times a day for at least 1-2 weeks and see if there is a difference in the intensity of the warts. However, be disciplined enough to do it regularly about 8-10 times a day. . Either crush the tablets or dissolve them in water. Thereafter, apply the water solution or the crushed tablet paste over the warts. The presence of salicylic acid in the aspirins helps to fight the virus of the warts. This is quite a popular way of how to get rid of warts.

To apply them on the warts, either pulverize them and make a paste with a little bit of water or pour the tablets in a little bit of water and wait until it dissolves. Dab the solution or the paste on the warts. If you have vitamin tablets or capsules in your house, use the tablets also in your fight against the blemishes of warts. They are slightly acidic which helps with wart removal to a great extent. And since the acidic structure works, anything astringent like vinegar, tamarind, lemon juice or whatever is available to you can be applied. Essential oils like lemon balm oil and tree tea oil are also applied by people to get rid of warts. Since everything does not work on everyone, you have to go through the process of trial and error and learn what is best for you.

See the Doctor

Medicines and surgeries work, but never without seeing a doctor. For cryothreapy consult a doctor or a specialist. Any kind of injections or even digestive medicines should not be taken without consulting the doctor.