Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Forgiving Yourself - Experiencing A Lifetime Set Free

One morning as I sat at a beach appreciating a fantastic sunrise I became overpowered by God's forgiveness. It was basically as if the shades of the sunrise were showing me His limitless forgiveness in my life. I began to picture how flawed I'd been, my frequent need for His forgiveness along with the pain I have caused Him because of the sin inside my life.

Recollecting scripture that God not only forgives, He does not remember all my wrong doing; forgiving and forgetting. I considered the forgetting plus acknowledging how fantastic and also hard to understand that He does not remember. It was overwhelming thinking of the way we fall so short in forgiving other people as well as our self plus He not merely forgives He simply doesn't know of our former forgiven wrongs. Then the word surrender took over. If I'm so flawed plus in this kind of need of forgiveness and you are so willing to provide me grace; why do I want to be in charge of me or anyone?

Your Heavenly Father so hopes for you to be wholly freed from your hurt, pain, wounds and disappointments of your life. God hopes to set you free to live your life beyond your imagination.

God's Forgiveness

You don't need to continue to beat your self up about your sin. God loves you so much He sent His Son to die on the cross for every sin you and I have committed or ever will commit.

If you sin once more, and you will definitely, you're able to confess these sins once more and receive forgiveness.

He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
Proverb 28:13 NIV

God's forgiveness comes through Jesus Christ which has no screaming, no nasty looks, simply no sly comments, merely complete forgiveness. His forgiveness is peaceful, guaranteeing and also filled with His love. He is without a doubt waiting to forgive you!

Have you forgiven your self?

God has forgiven you, it is now your turn. Have you ever previously listened to the song "What Sin?"

The heaviest thing you'll carry
Is a load of guilt and shame.
You were never meant to bear them
So let them go in Jesus name.
Our God is slow to anger
Quick to forgive our sin
So let Him put them under the blood
Don't bring them up again.
Cause He'll just say,
What sin, what sin?

The heaviest thing you'll ever carry is actually that load of guilt and shame. The music tells you that you just wasn't designed to bear your sins, they were put underneath the blood of Jesus. He died for your sin, so do not bring them up once again. It does not matter just what you did, if you have confessed and also turned away, you are forgiven and also your sin is actually forgotten. You have the freedom to live. How does God say to us to live?

So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
Galatians 5:16 NIV

To receive your free copy of "God's Answer?" go to Living Life Set Free

"God's Answer?"
How To Live Through A Power That Will Transform Your Life

To learn more about Forgiving Yourself