Monday, August 22, 2011

Claiming Your Right to Be Rich and the Power of the Mind with EFT

Money plays a critical role in all of our lives. You could argue that every human being has an equal right to be wealthy. Everybody wants to live fully and reap the rewards of their labors. With this in mind, it is perplexing that so many people avoid creating the wealth they want and deserve because they have mixed feelings about money.

Here are a few examples of ways perfectly capable people like you use misguided thinking to block themselves from accessing their right to be rich.

1. If you think that money is evil and want to avoid thinking that you are evil, your brain is likely to find ways to avoid having wealth.

2. If you think of yourself as a caring person and believe that individuals with a lot of money are greedy and uncaring, you will avoid having a lot of money.

3. If you assume that money won't make you happy, you will probably deny your right to be rich. The supposition is that money will make you unhappy.

While it is true that wealth by itself can't create happiness, money is undoubtedly one of your most essential tools for creating a positive life. If you want to claim your right to be rich, a highly effective holistic process known as the EFT Tapping Technique can help. Most people find it strange at first, but it generally is miraculously effective.

You can experience EFT yourself in this lighthearted video, where Phillip Mountrose and Brad Yates use the EFT Technique to clear issues about being wealthy and open to more positive beliefs.

Your opportunities can change in unexpectedly amazing ways when you draw upon your most powerful resources. Taking charge of your thinking can be transformational. And when you also access the effectiveness of the new healing tools with EFT, you can make rapid progress toward the life of your dreams.

Intrigued? If you want to know more about EFT, follow this link now.

You also can enlist the power of your thinking to create the best imaginable life with another article on your right to be rich.