I'm a Pollyanna. My husband can't believe I've survived for so many years. How have I made it to middle age with my cock-eyed optimism intact?
If I think about it, I have been ripped off from time to time. But each time I've picked myself up, written it off and carried on. And that's the point - my attitude has influenced my whole life experience. I'm a natural optimist, so the nasty things people have done are the last thing I remember - which means those negative experiences don't colour my reactions today, nor my expectations for the future.
Whereas the story is different for someone who has had a sad life, which has made them cynical. Faced with a problem, that person will focus on the worst outcome, while I'll hope for the best. When a person spends all their time fearing the worst, it may prevent them finding a solution. Because I'm looking at the best outcome, I'm more likely to look for ways to achieve it.
Of course, that can mean I'm unprepared if the worst does happen! However, thanks to my attitude, that's less likely to be the case.
So, attitude not only determines how you experience life, it also determines your actions, and therefore can affect the course of your life. The question is, is our attitude an inborn thing? Can someone who is a natural pessimist see the sunny side of things'glass half empty' change their natural bent? I think they can. Your attitude to life is linked to your attitude to yourself. I feel my dance training has made a difference to my self-esteem and therefore my attitude. I see it often in belly dance class - it's wonderful to watch shy, hesitant women blossom into confident dancers, and with that confidence comes a new outlook on life!