Monday, July 11, 2011

Have You Actually Questioned Just What Your Purpose Of Life Is?

When it comes to discovering their purpose of life, everyone will reach a point in their life where it becomes a question to be answered. But the reality, as you can see in the world around you, is that very few people actually find their answers. More importantly, will you be one of them?

Which group will you end up in?

1. The group that thinks about the larger picture of life only in passing?
2. Or will you be one of the growing few who uncover your life purpose and truly live?

Why many people never live a life of joy and meaning boils down to many factors. But mostly, it boils down to their attachment of what they currently have. When they get some inkling of their life purpose, they come to the realization they would likely have to give up their jobs, their current circle of friends and maybe even the current lifestyle that they enjoy.

Far too many people have been conditioned by society to live a live of consumerism. While their souls slowly die of nourishment, they continue to blindly seek that spiritual richness from material possessions. They get caught in between what they know inside and what they see in the world outside. They want to find that spark in their hearts and soul again. And yet they are too attached to what they have physically accumulated in their lives.

These people waver between the joy of their material possessions and swing to the extremes of lethargy, depression and a lack of inner joy. And they hope they never lose their material possessions too.

They get caught between what the world tells them they need and what their soul drives them to find.

However, many fail to realize that the moment you live a meaningful and purposeful life, the rest of the things around you become secondary. You find joy not in the material stuff you have anymore, although they remain vital to functioning in society. Your joy flows from a sense of inner satisfaction and the river of life.

The realization there is more to life than just the mindless pursuit of wealth comes when you live a life of purpose. You enjoy the flow of happiness and richness that comes from being on purpose. You realize that you are truly spirit in physical form, and not just a soulless hunk of walking flesh.

On the contrary, a life of purpose doesn't mean you don't need material possessions. Did you believe otherwise?

Our bodies still need food, shelter and clothing. Without the money to purchase them, how will you live out your life purpose? What you need to do is bring your life purpose into alignment with the creation of value for others. When you can do this, you can continue to bring in the money you need to sustain yourself and your family.

What is the real reason you live? To work for corporations and businesses doing something that doesn't really give you joy? Are you going to spend the rest of your life dragging yourself to work where you die just that little bit more every day?

Or does your purpose in life to allow a creative expression of your soul to come through in the work that you do? To find and live the moments that cause your heart to sing and your feet to dance?

Are you alive? Or are you merely living?

What then, is your real purpose of life?