Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Discovering How to Cope With Loneliness; Living A Life Set Free in Only Ten Days!

Loneliness is on the upswing these days. In spite of the incontrovertible fact that communication has never been quicker, simpler or so available, more individuals suffer with solitude than ever before. The dictionary outlines loneliness, in part, as a condition of tranquility or isolation but its widely known to a lonely person that simply because you have people around doesn't mean you will not continue to experience loneliness. Seeking techniques of how to cope with loneliness is the aim of a great number, almost all of whom live in very active cities, surrounded by people all through their day. As reported in the USA Today, loneliness is a significant problem that may result in serious results for some.

Being lonely is no respecter of people. Married individuals can be just as lonely as those that are single and Hollywood movie celebs, with millions of loving fans, when they are honest, go through appalling loneliness occasionally. Clearly, the key to overcoming loneliness is not just being around people or knowing a lot of individuals. The key to beating or coping with loneliness is truly connecting with another individual on a heart level. This in no way needs to be on a romantic level, though when that happens it creates a special connection. However, many of us wrongly believe that a romantic relationship is the way to a lifetime journey where loneliness will not be an argument for them. As a consequence, focusing on that sort of a relationship is where they put all of their time and energy, often at the expense of other most likely fulfilling and suggestive relationships.

In the book Living Life Set Free it speaks about the Trinity "God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit" and their unique relationship with one another. The 3 in One are complete in one another. Never have they experienced even a twinge of loneliness among them. Part of Gods desire for us, when He created us, was to enjoy that same sort of intimacy with them; meaning He never meant for us to experience loneliness in our lives either. God’s plan from the start was for each one of us to be one with Them as They are One, i.e. joining with Them on a heart level, leaving absolutely no room for empty longings or aching hearts.

That changed, though, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, separating all mankind from God, leading to a definite ache and loneliness in our lives till we are reconciled to Him. Jesus came to this earth to dwell and then to be crucified as the ideal, sinless sacrifice for us so that we might have that reconciliation.

So, knowing God and forming a relationship with Him thru Jesus put an end to all of your loneliness? No, not totally; not until you are really at home with Him in Heaven forever will you be freed from all loneliness. However , after you become His and yield yourself to Him, He will begin to show you the awesome plans He has for your life. Those plans, He guarantees, are full of adventure, relationships, and wonderful openings to become involved in the lives of individuals. The best way; "How to cope with loneliness" is to do life God's way, connecting with Him. Attempting to do it another way will only lead to disenchantment and more loneliness.

To find out more about seeking a relationship with God and experiencing His love that will truly give you freedom, go to Living Life Set Free by clicking on How To Cope With Loneliness.

To view a video click on How To Cope With Loneliness