Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Scared Of Meeting Pretty Girls? Overcome Your Approach Anxiety Now

Saying hi to girls might be 1 of the toughest things to complete. As dudes, when we are out in the playing field we get what has been known as approach anxiety just when we see a girl we’d like to meet. This is physiological response that may often notify your mind “Don’t do it!!!” This sense will destroy you if you do not know how to combat it.
Has approach anxiety ever go on with you? This even goes on with professional pick up artists.

You spot a girl you want to meet. You start to make your first step her direction and right away you start analyzing the ways in which it might go wrong as well as the ways you may be rejected. This brings up that churning sense in the pit of your stomach that lets you physically understand you’re scared. Instead of embracing your vulnerability you decide to salvage your pride and not approach. To top it off, you reback rationalize your decision telling yourself “she has a boyfriend” or “I’ll approach the next one”.

When thinking about approaching you’re using the rational, neo cortical area of your brain that triggers an emotional response. You’ve got to learn to shut down the rational area of your brain just for a brief second. This brief second will buy you enough time to put your feet in motion towards the girl without weighing the consequences.

The way this is accomplished is from adhering to the 3 second rule, coined by these pick up artists, that states that you have to approach the girl you want to meet within in the first 3 seconds of seeing her. By doing this, you’re “living in the now” and bypassing your rational thinking process. Further, letting you to move without thinking until you’re already talking to the girl.