Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Ultimate in Holistic Coaching Secrets

If you’ve researched universal truths, you have accessed some profound higher truths about the infinite intelligence of the universe. With an awareness of Spiritual Coaching, you probably also know that this tremendous force also resides in every person. At an energetic level, everyone is connected and there are no restrictions on what is achievable. This suggests a new concept, that spiritual development involves increasing our awareness of what we believe to be possible and touching our infinite possibilities as true co-creators with God.

Over 100 years ago, Wallace Wattles wrote about this universal intelligence that unites everything in his transformational text, The Science of Getting Rich. This book made the critical point that there is no limit to the supply of any wonderful thing a person could desire. This book also taught us that each human being is entitled to have everything needed to be fully alive and to experience all feasible growth.

A Trio of Awsome Keys for Spiritual Coaches

1. Know the notion of lack is an illusion. As a spiritual coach or one who plans to guide yourself to more expansive consciousness, you must perceive the miraculous opportunities you and those you help can access in every area of life.

Instead, most men and women pay more attention to the imagined limitations that keep them stuck. This is the case with financial challenges, physical challenges, relationships, and so on. The real truth is that challenges can also serve as reminders to break through boundaries and progress to a state where we can return to an awareness of our infinite possibilities and again recognize that anything is possible.

2. When there is a heartfelt longing, there is a way to make it happen. From the point of view of a Spiritual Coach, it is essential to inspire clients to stick to their heart’s desires realistically. The secret to manifesting our heart’s deepest yearnings resides in our thoughts, and you can guide people to change their customary ways of thinking and behaving to become one with the good they desire. Watch for times when you believe that others (or you yourself) are constrained by the obstacles on their paths. If you agree with their limited perceptions, you will find it challenging to assist them.

3. You need to be proactive to alter your view of reality. One way is to come up with some mind-expanding ideas you can consider when doubt starts to creep in. Take this example. "Do you believe that God wishes for you (or anyone else) to be constrained in any manner?" If you open your heart and soul, you recognize the answer is no. When you recall this truth, your awareness shifts and you can go back to the truth that anything is truly doable.

Going a step further with this potent line of inquiry, find another powerful thought or two that creates this kind of expansiveness for you, questions you can ask yourself to get back on course as soon as doubt starts to set in.

Notice how you feel when you are in touch with the energy of the Creator and infinite possibilities compared with times you fall into belief that possibilities are limited. Which one offers a greater sense of being alive and connected with life? This is significant for effective spiritual and holistic coaching. Connecting with the infinite intelligence of the universe is beneficial for your entire being. And it produces no damaging side effects!

If you are intrigued, be sure to read this article: “What is a Spiritual Coach?”

And follow this next link if you are considering a course in Holistic Coaching and Healing.