Monday, April 18, 2011

Safeguard Your Health Against Radiation Effects From Japan With The Emotional Freedom Techniques

The nuclear catastrophe in Japan has given rise to widespread fear and stress worldwide, especially on the west coast of the United States, where signs of increased radiation have been found. As would be expected, worries about the effects on health are rising, as well as feelings of helplessness that stems from the fact that we cannot stop these elevated levels of radiation from reaching our coastlines.

Thankfully, you can do something. Joseph Mercola MD, who specializes in holistic approaches to health, first recommends dealing with stress. He says that fear and panic are likely to have greater impacts on your physical wellbeing than exposure to the recent low levels of radiation are likely to produce. It is widely recognized that continuous states of stress and fear have adverse effects on your health.

Such worries are to be expected during crises like this, but you can take action to preserve your health. Dr. Mercola recommends using EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques. Deepak Chopra heralds this unconventional technique as having great healing benefits. It balances the body and has shown itself to produce positive results with a wide variety of emotional and physical challenges. Considering its ease and effectiveness, it’s no wonder more healing practitioners are getting EFT Training and individuals are seeking to learn EFT for personal use.

A Few Words About EFT

EFT tapping is an energy healing process that was developed by Gary Craig during the 1990’s. EFT has gained wide popularity and recognition from the fact that it is so easy that just about anybody can use it to deal with challenging feelings, fear, phobias, stress, back pain, and much, much more. And it often produces such speedy results that people often start to experience relief in a matter of minutes.

It’s easy to do this process. It just involves tapping on a short sequence of specific places on the face and upper body. You may not be able to fathom how this could possibly create meaningful changes, but it does in most cases. Gary Craig likens tapping on these specific points to overhauling a car.

Using EFT For Stress Related To Radioactivity From Japan And More

This is a chance to explore how stress is impacting you with the nuclear crisis and in your every day life. Start by examining these two steps:

First, take a peek at the causes of stress in your life. The starting place for effective change is becoming clear about your current situation. Get out a pen and paper and make a list of your current sources of stress.

Next, consider ways to respond differently to these causes of stress. Review your notes, and look at ways to alter your responses. As mentioned, EFT tapping can be an amazing help with this area and more.

Many individuals live with constant stress, and this can degrade one’s wellness. The positive news, as mentioned before, is that this can change. And EFT can play a transformational role in reducing stress and much, much more.

Curious About How EFT Might Help You?

For additional information on the technique that is receiving recognition as a modern miracle, check out some more content on “What is EFT?”

Also click on this next link to learn about how you can get EFT Training.