Friday, April 22, 2011

How Motion Gaming Changed My Body

I am working towards my college degree. I was taking a class that required me to do a project that would last for the whole semester. We were going to have to find a way to introduce ourselves to a new lifestyle. The easy way out was to see what happened when someone had a major life event and write about it. Their paper would be based on the feelings of what others went through. For me, this idea was not attractive. I would write about how I felt if I made a change. But what kind of transformation should I undergo.

People have always told me that I am a little chubby. I did not eat well and like many college students found it hard to turn down an offer of pizza and a beer. Looking in the mirror convinced me that it was time for me to do something and that would allow me to have a topic for my research. It was time for me to make the right choices to get fit and trim.

After deciding what to do, I had to figure out how to do it. I was going to do it in a new way that many people tout and that is through the use of video games that involve motion control like the xbox 360 kinect or the Nintendo Wii, or the Playstation Move that seem to have become commonplace in just about anyone who has a children now have in their home and has become popular with people of all ages.

Motion gaming is fun to do and it would be a good way for me to try to get the body I wanted. My project would be about how well this new method of fitness could actually work based on what I was able to accomplish. I would devote most of the semester to the project. This should give me the time to have at least some effect on my body. I do not think I ever expected the results that I got.

A trip to an electronics store got me a exercise game. I kept a journal to go along with the tracking of game. Another part that I took into consideration was the food choices that I should make. I thought it would be hard to follow a good fitness regimen, but it was not very hard for me to do. I had a meal plan that included a lot of good food. I just had to look for the healthy alternatives. One thing I knew that would have to change is the amount of partying that I would do, but this turned out to be a blessing because it created more time for me to start using the kinect system that I had on a regular basis because I was not either hanging out with friends in a bar or sleeping off the effects of those late nights.

As the semester went on, I began to see some results. I was getting fit and trim. I felt more energized than I ever had. Getting trim was only one of the benefits I was receiving. The change in lifestyle affected more than my body. The positive attitude I gained allowed me to go where I had been scared to go before. People on campus that I had ignored before were now a group that I enjoyed being with. I was having more conversation with females. I suddenly had more dates than I ever had before. I found out that both males and females can have fun with video games. I based my paper on these findings. The teacher gave me the highest grade.