Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Identifying The Right Part Of The Day To Undertake GCSE Maths Revision

Taking your GCSE Maths revision seriously is a must if you are to attain the maths grade that you are aiming for. Some students can find that even though they have planned their revision schedule well, they still can’t seem to get anything from their revision sessions. This if often down to the time of day that they are attempting to undertake revision.

Morning revision sessions

The vast majority of students will find that they cope better with their GCSE Maths revision if they start it in the morning. There is some evidence that the brain functions better in the morning and the memory is more able to take in information. The fact that early mornings tend to be free from interruptions, thus providing the opportunity to really get stuck into revision, also makes them a good time. Scientists believe that our capacity to learn is also increased during the morning as the act of waking up sends a clear message to our brain that it is time to start work.

Working in the evenings

Whilst you are trying to do your GCSE Maths revision you will also be attending school, meaning that you can only do early morning revision sessions at weekends and in the holidays. This means that some of your revision will have to be done following your school day. You will often find that you feel lethargic after your evening meal and don’t feel like hitting the books. So try having a light snack when you get in to give you a little energy, then do an hour before tea. Have some time to relax after your meal, then try and do another hour of revising.

Revising when tired

Trying to do your GCSE Maths revision in the evening whilst tired can prove to be a bad move and you would be better advised to get to bed early and get some sleep. By doing this you can set your alarm clock an hour early and do a revision session whilst your brain is alert before school.