Monday, March 28, 2011

How Do I Keep Myself From Periodontal Disease?

There is a big possibility that Americans who are aged beyond 34 might lose their teeth. Most people would think that tooth decay is a main problem in this scenario. Once people start to age, they are not prone anymore to dental cavities.

This is caused by gum disease or periodontal disease as what they call it. Either way, periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Don't be surprised if you encounter adults who are suffering from periodontal disease in a community wherein some of them may already have lost their teeth. Keep reading about dentistry at our website receding gums treatment.

Gums bleed when brushing the teeth wherein this is a sign of the early stage of periodontal disease called gingivitis. The later and more severe form of this condition is called periodontitis or pyorrhea, which is the process of destruction of the tissues and bones that surround the roots of the teeth. This is because there is tartar or calculus built up in the teeth area. Once there is a mixture of food remnants and saliva substance in the mouth, that's the time tartar, is formed.

This thin, almost invisible film is known as bacterial plaque. If not removed daily, plaque hardens into calculus which builds up around and between the teeth and along the gum lines. Once the disease gets worse, what will happen is that gums become inflamed then start to let go of the teeth. Bacteria and food particles start to accumulate and become wedged in these pockets and create more inflammation.

Once secretion starts to form, gums become more irritated and the damaged tissues start to spread, then you could definitely conclude that pockets have deepened already. Gums start to grow weak and frail if bones and tissues that support it get destroyed which would cause teeth to fall off. Still, nothing beats regular brushing of the teeth and gums since this is the first thing that one needs to do in order to avoid periodontal disease. To further clean the teeth, dentists recommend everyone to use irrigation devices such as pressurized water to get rid of the small particles that get stuck in between the teeth. For alternative topics on dentistry visit dental implants sydney cost.

The water apparatus are definitely effective in removing food remnants if used under the dentist's directions. It is a must to visit the dentist at least twice a year to get your teeth cleaned and get rid of those tartar that builds up between the teeth. Of course, any noticeable suspicious signs of gum disease such as bleeding or soreness should be promptly reported to the dentist so that it can be checked and properly treated immediately.

If the dentures that you have do not fit perfectly on you as well as if your teeth are not aligned and have sharp edges, you might have periodontal disease. These factors would lead to the infection of the gums. What you have to do is to immediately go to your dentist to have this treated.